Your team gets more done with Village.

Modern work is full of unfulfilling tasks. Village is using AI to take away the tedious parts so people can focus on the work that actually matters to them, their company, and the world. 

One fast, secure connection.

An infographic showing how Village connects to data sources and produces Agents, Reports, and Chat tools

Automated topic tracking.

UI screen showing Token OverviewUI screen showing token design

Track the items you care about.

Whether you're tracking issues, projects, customers or more, automated and accurate reporting creates massive time savings.

Updates and synthesis across tools.

Automatically connect information between your many tools, like project status, alerts on blockers or milestones across all apps.

More focus and alignment.

Know where projects are at, who's working on what and where the team needs to focus.

Automated team status reports.

Massive time savings.

Your team spends hours each week on status updates. Instead, your team's work should speak for itself, literally.

Misalignment, solved.

Keep everyone in the loop on what their org and team are working toward every day.

Personalized updates feed.

Follow the teams you care about, ignore the ones you don't. Followed teams appear in your daily briefing.

UI screen showing incentive rulesUI screen showing recent activity

Custom generative AI apps.

Build no-code assistants.

Instruct generative AI agents to proactively collect information and advise you on a course of action.

Get automatic topic updates.

Track topics or projects you care about with no added effort.

Collect data across all your tools.

No need to connect the dots across multiple people and sources of information. Village Labs does it for you.

Optimize and eliminate meetings.

UI screen showing Token Overview

Meeting transcripts, summaries, and chat.

Create and chat with meeting summaries across Meets, Zoom and Teams calls.

Fully integrated sharing.

Meeting summaries appear in project, team and personal updates to maximize visibility.

Make meetings go away.

Generate context-aware pre-reads and status updates to remove unnecessary meetings.

Make your time matter.

Village's AI finds what you need to know across your organization, and gives you personalized updates on teams, topics, people and projects.

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Stay connected with the Village Labs team. We post about insights, releases, and stuff we find interesting (hopefully you do too).